*Nice Day*

should i do that ??
28 July 2011 | 4:24 pm | 0 letter
assalamualaikum , hoi-2 sorry lame da tak update blog , heh ! korg kesah ape aku tk update blog en ? heee . okeyy , aku mao story sikit  bnyk , kawan aku suruh aku cerite about someone ni , tp perlu ke ekk ? aku bkn'y adee papee ngn dy , just kawan jee . nty kalo adee pape yg interesting about HIM baru laa aku 'heloo-2' kat blog neh , but skg nothing special to story about HIM lha sygg oiii .

ouhh , this entry direct to syuhada laa sbenar'y . , sorry yee hunny *syuhada . i can't do that :( . bukan'y aku tanak , tp aku tk bolee doe , aku tanak laa "syok sendiri" malu nty wehh . don't worry , nty if ade special thing happen baru aku gtw ehh ? kau org pertame aku nk cari n bagitao rahsia about HIM , hehe . kau pun minat at dy an ? haha . okee lahh . bye+bye perut aku da berbunyi meminte belas kasihan utk diberi mkn , ehh ?? knp aku rasee mcm aku tga puase ? pdahal td aku baru je minum air kotak . ? *bebual keling .
